ul.Pomorska 149/153
90-236 Lodz, Poland
(+48) 42 6355687
We would like to thank all participants for taking part in the 36th edition of the European Conference on Surface Science. It was our great pleasure to host you in Łódź.
The article published in the journal ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces was shown on the cover of the magazine.
Main author: Dorota A. Kowalczyk
Cover author: Maxime Le Ster
Crystalline 2D MoO3 guarantees high work function, and as such, the material does not require thicker layers but coalesced monolayers. The study provides nanoscale results by Kelvin probe force microscopy in a controlled environment and ... View the article
Prof. Z. Klusek lectures:
The article published in cooperation with KFCS in the journal Advanced Materials Interfaces was shown on the cover of the magazine.
In article “Surface-Bound MoO3 on Single MoS2 Flakes: Direct Identification of Surface Bound MoO3 on Single MoS2 Flakes Heated in Dry and Humid Air” Maciej Rogala, Stanislaw Sokolowski, Robert Szoszkiewicz, and co-workers investigate chemical origins of the MoOx species appearing on single MoS2 flakes due to their oxidation in dry and humid air.
Electrical nanopatterning of TiO2 surfaces on the cover of APL Materials.
Our Department contributed to a study showing that the resistance of confined surface areas can be switched by applying a voltage of several volts to an AFM tip. The images of erasing and scaling of electrical nanopatterning of TiO2 make the cover of the June issue of APL Materials.
In the Department the studies of condensed matter are carried out both theoretically and experimentally.
Experimental investigations:
  • Scanning tunnelling microscopy and spectroscopy (STM/STS) studies of graphene and graphene-metal interactions.
  • Investigations of graphene for elastic electronics.
  • Investigations of resistive switching phenomena in graphene oxide.
  • Application of electron microscopy for investigations of crystalline and amorphous thin films and surfaces. Transmission electron microscopy including Lorentz microscopy.
  • Studies of surfaces on atomic scale. Scanning tuneling microscopy, atomic and magnetic force microscopy, tuneling spectroscopy.
  • Application of channeling and backscattering of light ions with intermediate energy in studies of surfaces and near-surface layers.
  • Physicochemical studies of solids by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray microanalysis.
Theoretical investigations:
  • Properties of inhomogeneous systems, thin films and multilayers with the role of surface and magnetic properties taken into account.
  • DFT studies of graphene-metal interactions.
  • Properties of systems with restricted and deformed geometry. Premelting phenomena.
  • Giant and colossal magnetoresistance.
  • Investigations of deterministic chaotic systems.
To guarantee an international standard for the above studies the qualified and experienced staff is employed, as well as the reach and modern laboratory equipment is at disposal.
In connection with the research work the Department is training under- and post-graduated students in solid state physics.
Lodz City Stipend for PhD Students.
Our student Dorota Kowalczyk was awarded a supportive financial stipend by the Lodz City. The grant is aimed at supporting PhD Students working on crucial topics for development of Lodz.
